Daily Mirror E-Paper

Four including Japanese national who went missing, rescued

Four individuals, including a Japanese national, who had gone missing after a boat that went to sea capsized at Muhudukatuwa in Marawila, have been rescued.

The incident occurred when a group of five, including a foreigner, ventured out to sea in a small dinghy for fishing. Adverse weather conditions reportedly led to the boat capsizing.

The owner of the capsized boat, a resident of Marawila, reported the incident to the Marawila Police.

The individuals operating the boat managed to convey the emergency through a telephone message to a fisherman on land. Responding to the distress call, a group of locals reached the reported location, rescued the boat operator, and brought him safely ashore.

The remaining four occupants of the boat, who went missing, were rescued following a search and rescue operation launched with the help of the Navy, police said.






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